Hey, I’m Grahame Fitz.

I started G-Fitzness to empower my clients to optimize their strength and confidence, sustain their fitness goals and engage in all the activities they value throughout their lives. 

My passion for movement runs deep and why I train is simple.

If you’re like me, you want to have the mobility and strength to participate in the activities you love—whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, all the way up through your 70s and 80s! I work out daily, but never so hard that I injure myself. What matters most to me is that I have the energy to invest in my relationships and I’m committed to you having that, too.

So many of my relationships are tied to the joy of movement. Walking with my lovely girlfriend on our first date. Jogging with the family golden retriever around the “2-mile loop.” Playing soccer with my teammates from kindergarten through college. Backpacking and trail runs with my extended family. I could go on forever.

I am committed to empowering you to keep doing the activities you love for your entire life—so you can always say “yes” to life’s adventures with friends and family. That’s my goal for you—that you’re always fit, healthy and ready to participate in the active lifestyle you value.

A little bit of background…

After getting credentialed at the National Personal Training Institute, I taught at specialty gyms for five years. 

Where my approach diverges from many of the franchised gyms where I worked is that I focus on the quality of your movements rather than on completing a prescribed number of reps. The mentality I encountered at many gyms was simply “more sore = better workout.” I want you to know that it doesn’t.

I know from experience that being perpetually sore doesn’t make you stronger, fitter or better toned. Focusing on training with consistency, moving properly and knowing when and how to push yourself does.

I will give you the tools and the know-how to stay healthy and sustain your workout schedule amidst the competing demands of your busy life.